salmon run: day 1

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day 1 was spent coming up with a concept. i considered doing a laser and mirror type puzzle where the goal was to get a laser from a start point to an end point, using various devices to bounce the light. the other idea i didn’t pick was building social connections, which i came up with the idea of having the player be a matchmaker for a dating site. the mirror idea seemed a bit too generic, and the dating one seemed too heavy on story.

salmon came to mind because of the jam palette’s name (poisson) and salmon’s migration. i played a lot of penguins as a kid (which is probably based on pingus), and i thought a lemmings-type game would be fun to make and “easy enough to program in a week.”

i drew up a basic little tilesheet and got it imported into godot, then build a simple little s-shaped river with a start and end point. godot’s astar grid 2d was used for the salmon’s pathfinding. peaberry was picked for the font. i added camera up and down movement, and finished by doing some basic gui blocking and starting work on level data.

no playable version for day 1 because the export wasn’t set up right and isn’t properly “playable,” though there’s no actual gameplay to witness yet either.

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